The Roman author Claudius Ptolemy (200 AD) provided a precise list of European and Asian toponyms and ethnonyms, stat- ing that Sarmatians and Slavs are indeed one and the same nation, widespread throughout the entire continent of Europe: ‘Sarmatia, quae in Europa est definitur a septentrionibus oceano Sarmatico, juzta venedium sinum, et parte descriptione hanc.’ Based on archaeological evidence, Sofija Davidovic-Zivanovic has proven that Slavs and Sarmatians are the same People. Nestor (1200 AD), a monk from Kiev, wrote the prehistoric history of Slavs, stating that, according to Joseph Shafaric, all Slavs were descendents of Noah’s third son Jafet, and that, following the great flood, they had inhabited the continent of Europe. Franz Kont, in his famous work ‘Slavs,’ states that, ‘according to Heder, they occupy a larger space on land then in history.’ In any event, there is no doubt that Slavs inhabited vast areas of Europe, from Scandinavia and the Baltic on the North, to the Mediterranean on the south, and from France and Brittain on the west, to Asia on the East. Sofija Davidovic-Zivanovic, during archeological excavation in Tilbury, at the mouth of the Thames, proved that the arrival of Slavs on British soil dates back to the Bronze Age. The newest Anthropological and genetic research has proven that Slavs are the native population of the entire region of Europe. Countless toponyms and other words in the languages all throughout Europe have a clear Slavic origin. Numerous books already explored this topic.
Certain Nordic/Germanic countries were irritated by the fact that majority of their population has a Slavic origin, especially during the time of the uniting of the Germanic countries into a large German empire. That ideology gave ‘birth’ to the Nordic-Germanic history doctrine, which attempted, using all means at their disposal, to smother all that was Slavic, and in that fashion divide the Slavic people. An example of the division of Slavs in Poland, from other Slavic people, primarily from Serbs and Russians, has been described in this book by Goran Poletan and Ursula Kotnovski. Poland, placed between Russia to the east, and Germany to the west, was perfect grounds for the machinations of the Nordic- Germanic doctrine. In that fight, initially a different and unnatural alphabet was imposed, which had changed everyday words of the population, making them lose their original Slavic form. With time, the pronunciation of words also changed, even though the root of the words survived to this day, since it was too big a task to change the language to such an extent that it would not sound Slavic. The authors of this work, using clear evidence, were able not only to prove the illogicality of today’s Polish alphabet, imposed by the Nordic-Germanic doctrine, but had also proven the irrationality of the written words in the modern Polish language. The result of all this is that in today’s day and age, more differences can be found between the Polish and other Slavic people, than similarities. The Nordic-Germanic doctrine had accomplished its task, not only in Poland, but in other Slavic regions throughout Europe as well. On the other side of Europe, in its western countries, all that was of Slavic origin had been systematically erased.
Our goal here is not to retell the book written by Goran Poletan and Ursula Kotnovska, regarding the massacre of the Polish tongue. We simply wish to invite the reader to carefully study the documentation and the provided examples of the illogicality. This way, they will be able to commence their search for the roots of the words in their own language and in that fashion understand the extent of the damage to their language the reform, under influence of the Nordic/Germanic doctrine, had made. By changing the language, the Slavic roots gradually faded through time, and, as a consequence, the historic picture of the origin and development of the Polish nation changed according to that. The native proto-Slavic population started, under an influence of Germans and the Roman Catholic Church, to look like a nation of newcomers, without their own ancient history and without their backbone in Europe.
This is the main reason why we recommend the reader carefully studies this text, and reflect on its contents so that they may draw their own conclusion. Let the reader themselves be the judge.
Prof. Dr. Srboljub Zivanovic,
– The European Institute of Early Slavonic Studies,
London, Gt. Britain, Director
– The International Slavonic Academy of Science, Culture,
Education and Art, Branch of Gt.Britain and Ireland, Chairman